- A cage project was established within the Red Sea to raise fish by placing larvae inside cages and feeding them, then harvesting them and selling them with a capacity of productivity that equals about 5000 tons per year.
- The first and second stage larvae were constructed and operated to ensure their safety and examination.
- The project has been established at a cost of approximately 50 million and is considered one of the largest projects in the Middle East. The project is a complete closed-loop recycling system. The project aims to collect mothers for egg production for about 3 months until it become larvae of up to Approximately 30 million fingerlings (larvae) are then transferred to the cages in the sea. To cover the needs of Tabuk from fingerlings instead of importing them from abroad and surplus will be sold to other investors in this area.
- Fish Sorting and Production Project: The studies, designs and stages of the project's construction have been received. The cost of the project is estimated at 20 million riyals and is designed to fit the regulations and controls for the operation of the female component.
- The production of polystyrene, which is estimated to cost about 5 million Saudi riyals, where the studies and designs were received and in the stages of the establishment to establish in line with the latest technology and Tabuk fish company decided to manage the production of this factory by automated control rooms and monitoring using the latest systems and the Company seeks to study other projects serving the same field.